Labor Day is so much fun for all the residents to gather at the club and share their summer stories and get excited about our new Fall holiday events.  There is so much to look forward to!

July 4 Parade, Pie Contest, Pool Games and Cookout

Everyone had a wonderful time enjoying a truly old-fashioned July 4th together.  Great parade, pool games, and community cookout.  What a wonderful hometown!

Annual Talent Show

Thanks Kristin Synford for the great photos from the Talent Show at the Pool.  Impressive dancers, singers, and hoola-hoopers!!!!

Memorial Day Party

The annual Memorial Day Party was fantastic!!!  Lots of prizes, games, covered-dish cookout and fun to all ages.  Every holiday in Patriots Landing is special.

It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, with lots of youngsters excited about Easter.  So glad we had the party the week before the busy holiday weekend.  The Easter Bunny is an annual tradition that everyone loves.

“The Patriots Landing Gardening Club (that’s right, “Gardening”) held its first gardening seminar Tuesday evening at the Residents Club.  A well qualified speaker, Mr. Todd Haller from nearby Ed’s Landscaping, provided a small mountain of wisdom and insight on “Ten Common Landscaping Mistakes” and “Ten Troublefree Ornamentals.”  Residents peppered Mr. Haller with questions and comments... Continue Reading

A good time was had by all!  Great food and fun with the neighbors.

All the kids and adults were thoroughly entertained by Jonathan the Juggler and his fabulous show.  He can do everything!  The kids loved participating in it.  Treats were great as always. 

Kids have so much fun living in Patriots Landing and doing wholesome activities right here in the community….we never had to get in our cars.   All the moms know all  the kids' names.  I love that.  Franny

We had the biggest group ever to carol throughout the neighborhood.  We enjoyed hot chocolate and Egg Nog before and after at the clubhouse.